Santa Clara Cricket Club

2017 - Grounds Day

Apr 03, 2017 09:44 AM | By: Sujesh Pulikkal

All, It's about time that we call for a ground's day.  Season starts on April 15th so let's get together on April 8th (GROUND's DAY) and fix the minor things if any on the ground and nets so that we can have seamless practice sessions and games.  

As you all know, grounds day is a mandatory event for every member so please join us.  This is one another way that we all get together and socialize while working on fixing the small issues on our facilities.  Club will provide light breakfast (coffee and donuts or somthing of that sort) and pizza in the noon.  

For all new members, ground's day is a club's event that happens just before the start of the season.  Usaually ground's day event starts at 9:00 AM and will be over by noon.  You may also plan for a practice game or session in the afternoon and or on the following day (if ground is available).  

See you all on ground's day (April 8th at our ground - 1840 Benton Street, Santa Clara, CA 95050) and please remember to register or renew your membership as soon as possible.